Does anybody use any sort of developer software (something like kdevelop, MSVC, whatever) to develop their software?
Right now I just use kedit (it highlights C code nicely), then when I want to compile, I save all source files that I have changed, then execute my compiling script (makefile is soooo slow). My scriptfile calls bochs at the end.
Dev enviroment for OSDev?
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Dev enviroment for OSDev?
I have an 80386SX 20MHz 2MB RAM.
It is my testbed platform. Only has the 3.5" and 5.25" floppy drives.
It is my testbed platform. Only has the 3.5" and 5.25" floppy drives.
Check out my Makefile tutorial in the Wiki. I am quite confident that it will embarass the heck out of any non-trivial build script (and perhaps even some trivial ones).
As for environment... I like IDE's for user-space application development, but for the "fine print" (kernel / libc work), I usually go for vim/Kate, gcc and make. Should I ever get to the point of having a kernel supporting user-space programs, not relying on a big fat IDE would make it easier to port the toolchain and go self-hosted, too.
As for environment... I like IDE's for user-space application development, but for the "fine print" (kernel / libc work), I usually go for vim/Kate, gcc and make. Should I ever get to the point of having a kernel supporting user-space programs, not relying on a big fat IDE would make it easier to port the toolchain and go self-hosted, too.
Every good solution is obvious once you've found it.
Re: Dev enviroment for OSDev?
The build process creates binaries, disassembles, does hex dumps, finds debugging markers, auto-generates HTML pages, and creates a "tar.gz" package (ready to upload to my web host).
The top level build script is assigned to F12 as a keyboard shortcut (in KDE), so I can modify any of the files and press F12 to update everything. Emulators are assigned to other function keys - for e.g. "Bochs 80486" is assigned to F5, "Bochs Pentium" is assigned to F6, Qemu is assigned to F9, etc. I also use shift&F12 to view the Bochs log.
I also have some real machines here setup for network boot (which my OS supports). The build script copies any files into the TFTP directory ready for this, so I only need to press F12 then turn a machine on to see how my OS crashes..
I test my OS very frequently though - rather than writing something completely and then testing it completely, I'll write a little bit, test a little bit, write some more, test some more, etc (even if it's just code to display some results).
I remember back when my "write, build, test" cycle involved notepad, batch files and floppy disks, where I'd create a boot floppy every time I needed to test something - it's like trying to drive a car with the hand-brake on. Anything that makes your "write, build, test" cycle faster is worth investigating...
I use KWrite to edit the text/source files (syntax highlighting) and a hierarchy of build scripts where the top level script starts scripts in each sub-directory (which start scripts in their sub-directories, etc). As part of this my own "build utility" is compiled (if necessary), and either make or my build utility is used within the other scripts to build each "part".uglyoldbob wrote:Does anybody use any sort of developer software (something like kdevelop, MSVC, whatever) to develop their software?
The build process creates binaries, disassembles, does hex dumps, finds debugging markers, auto-generates HTML pages, and creates a "tar.gz" package (ready to upload to my web host).
The top level build script is assigned to F12 as a keyboard shortcut (in KDE), so I can modify any of the files and press F12 to update everything. Emulators are assigned to other function keys - for e.g. "Bochs 80486" is assigned to F5, "Bochs Pentium" is assigned to F6, Qemu is assigned to F9, etc. I also use shift&F12 to view the Bochs log.
I also have some real machines here setup for network boot (which my OS supports). The build script copies any files into the TFTP directory ready for this, so I only need to press F12 then turn a machine on to see how my OS crashes..
I test my OS very frequently though - rather than writing something completely and then testing it completely, I'll write a little bit, test a little bit, write some more, test some more, etc (even if it's just code to display some results).
I remember back when my "write, build, test" cycle involved notepad, batch files and floppy disks, where I'd create a boot floppy every time I needed to test something - it's like trying to drive a car with the hand-brake on. Anything that makes your "write, build, test" cycle faster is worth investigating...
For all things; perfection is, and will always remain, impossible to achieve in practice. However; by striving for perfection we create things that are as perfect as practically possible. Let the pursuit of perfection be our guide.
As iammisc and Solar have stated, if your Makefile is worse than a bash script you're doing something silly.
I've been using SCons as my build environment lately. It has some really nice features (md5sums rather than timestamps, repositories, less silly recursion) and it gives one that nice "I used something overly elegant in python to solve a simple problem" feeling.
I've been using SCons as my build environment lately. It has some really nice features (md5sums rather than timestamps, repositories, less silly recursion) and it gives one that nice "I used something overly elegant in python to solve a simple problem" feeling.
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Tried searching?
Thread: What IDE and compiler do you use?
Thread: What IDE and compiler do you use?
You can start with a simple text file viewer, DexOS IDE started from a text file viewer by tony(mac),a founding member of DexOS . here:
NOTE: This was written to be called from CLI.
Code: Select all
; View 0.1 01/01/05 ;
; A simple text viewer(by tonyMac). ;
; ;
; DexOS V0.01 ;
; (c) Craig Bamford, All rights reserved. ;
;end_of_prog = 0x200000
; Includes ;
include ''
; Program Entry ;
mov ax, 18h
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov al, 0x09
call TextColor
mov esi, FirstMessage
mov al, 00h
mov ah, 09h
int 40h
xor al, al
mov ah, 02h
int 40h
mov ebx, dword[ImageLoadAddrVar] ;get where the file is memory
mov eax, out_buffer ;put it in 2nd counter
xor ecx, ecx ;0 line position
xor edi, edi
mov dl, [ebx] ;get char
cmp dl, 09h ; is it tab?
je new_tabber
cmp dl, 0Ah ; is it linefeed?
je println
cmp dl, 0Dh ; is it cariage return?
je println ; print the line
cmp dl, 1Ah ; is it end of file?
je end_of_file
cmp dl, 00h ; is it null?
je end_of_file
mov [eax], dl ;if not, stick in buffer
cmp eax, out_buffer + 80 ;check buffer, full?
jae println ;yeah, print the buffer
inc eax ;else next buffer offset
inc ebx ;next char
inc ecx ;scrn pos inc
jmp process ;loop
inc ebx
jmp process
mov esi, ecx ; save the eax
and cl, 7 ; get the desired area
cmp cl, 0 ; chk for 0
jz simp_tab ; if 0 simple tab
@@: inc esi ; incrememt esi
inc eax ; increment eax
mov ecx, esi ; reload ecx
and cl, 7 ; get desired area
cmp cl, 0 ; check if 0
jz @f ; if yeah keep spot
jmp @b ; if not, another round
mov ecx, esi
inc ebx
jmp process
mov ecx, esi
add eax, 8
add ecx, 8
inc ebx
jmp process
; mov [eax], dl
mov byte [eax], 0 ;check for null
print out_buffer ;empty buffer
xor eax, eax ;0 counters
xor ebx, ebx ;
xor ecx, ecx
waitkey ;wait for keypress
ret ;end of prog.
cmp dl, 0dh ; is it <cr>?
jnz @f ; if not, continue
inc ebx ; else get next char
cmp byte [ebx], 0ah ; is it <lf>?
jz @f ; if so coninue on 1 return
dec ebx ; else reinstate old pointer
mov byte [eax], 13
inc eax
mov byte [eax], 0 ;stick in the null char
print out_buffer ;print it
mov eax, out_buffer ;put address in eax
mov ecx, 80
mov byte [eax], ' ' ;make buffer spaces
inc eax
dec ecx
jnz @b
mov eax, out_buffer ;reset eax to buffer 0
inc ebx ;tell next char
xor ecx,ecx ;0 the screen index
inc edi
cmp edi, 40 ;is bottom of screen?
jnz process ;if not, keep going
push eax ;save eax
print message ;any key to cont.
xor al,al
mov ah, 02h
int 40h
xor edi, edi
cmp al,0x1b
je TextViewExit
pop eax
jmp process ;loop
pop eax
; Data Area ;
FirstMessage db 0xd2,0x02, 'Text viewer, by tonyMac.',13
db 0xd2,0x09,'Press any key to view text file',13,0
message db 13,'Press a key',13,13,0
times 90 db ' '
dd 0
Code: Select all
;Simple macros to sort of HLA the ;
;programming of more complex apps so ;
;as to keep the source uncluttered. ;
;tonyMac 2005 ;
;Print ;
; ;
;This prints a 0-terminated string. ;
;Suprising, huh? ;-) ;
macro print string
push esi
mov esi, string
mov al, 00h
mov ah, 09h
int 40h
pop esi
;waitkey ;
; ;
;wait for keypress ;
macro waitkey
xor al,al
mov ah, 02h
int 40h