I wrote a class to output debuginformation on the screen.
Now i want to debug my Memorymanager, so i have to use one object from this class for more than one function. It has to be global.
To execute the Consturcftor and deconstruktor of a global object I had to write some special functions which i executor befor starting and at the end of the kernel.bin
This functions work! The constructor is execute on start with no errors.
And now the Problem:
I initialize the object by calling the method "init(...)". Ther I can define the Position of the Output (cursorposition), the color and some
other things.
After that I can print some text on the screen.
I do that all at the "InitMemoryManager"-function.
Now I want to print some information when I call the "GetMemoryBlock"-function (this happens when I want to get some memoryspace)
but ther is no output . If I call the print-method of my global objekt it won't be execute.
But if i call the init-method befor, it works. So I think/know, after leaving a function, all information which were stored in the *variablen*
get lost.
So, now some code:
a very short version of the Class:
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class klasse
void init(BYTE farbe, BYTE xposition, BYTE yposition);
BYTE *frontbuffer;
BYTE color;
void klasse::init(BYTE farbe, BYTE xposition, BYTE yposition)
x = xposition;
y = yposition
color = farbe;
frontbuffer = (BYTE*)0xB8000;
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flowbox wnd;
bool SetupMM()
wnd.init("MemoryManager2", 49, 39, 31, 11);
wnd.printsc("SetupMM()\n", 0x1E);
bool GetMemoryBlock(memblock **block, DWORD size)
//wnd.init("MemoryManager2", 49, 39, 31, 11); //if I call this method, it will work
wnd.printsc("GetMemoryBlock(...)\n", 0x1E); //does not work. The text will be writte @ the address 0x0
conio::print((CHAR*)"# "); //works
I hope that someone can help me.