how to shange the ascii font ?

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how to shange the ascii font ?

Post by mohammed »

i don't want to be silly but i asked this question before i am trying to test my luck again i knew a code that lode a new font.. i couldn't undersatnd it any way but i searched the web for any tutorials that learn you how to change the font of the ascii .. how ?
i made this

Code: Select all

org   100h   
jmp   start
mov ah,0eh
mov al,01h
int 10h

        push es

        mov  ax,ds
        mov  es,ax
        mov  bp,V2OSFONT
        mov  cx,00FFh
        xor  dx, dx
        mov  bx, 0800h
        mov  ax, 1100h
        int  10h                                        ; REPROGRAM FONT

        pop  es


Code: Select all

V2OSFONT     DB 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 000H, 01111110b, 10000001b
             DB 10100101b, 10111101b ,10011001b,10000001b,01111110b
but i discovered that it doesn't print the character from my font but from the ascii i knew that when i tried to change it :(
what is wrong with this code ?
how can i change characters of ascii this code above (i think)load a new font how can i keep the ascii and just change what i want to change ?
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