i tried to convert MiniDOS's (from Dex) code to Pascal for use to my OS (REAL MODE) - it is a code that will run programs on floppy diskette. I got a strange thing when using this function, Bochs 2.3 panics with this:
00044745494p[CPU0 ] >>PANIC<< prefetch: getHostMemAddr vetoed direct read, pAddr=0x000af9ff
What is this ? I REALLY DON'T KNOW what to do now. It is Dex's code, I just translated it to Pascal...
Here is the unit:
I use only ConvertFileName and ExecFile functions...
Here is the "function-run" code I use:
Code: Select all
WriteStr('Path to the program: ');
ReadStr; {READSTR is my function like ReadLn in Pascal, AND it stores readed string to string "rdstr"}
ConvertFileName; {This function will store result (0= FALSE or 1= TRUE) to global variable "CFN"}
if CFN = 0 then begin
WriteStr(CRLF+CRLF+'Cannot run program');
Exit; Exit;
ExecFile; {And this will execute the program AND panics}