All about the OSDev Wiki. Discussions about the organization and general structure of articles and how to use the wiki. Request changes here if you don't know how to use the wiki.
not sure which old forum your refering to, ifaik all old post are here and availible -- the old forum posts have been merged with the main "development" board
Since you posted this in the wiki section, are you asking when the wiki pages with forum links will point to the correct threads? If so, all the wiki pages will get updated this month, I have some vacation coming up and I'll be working on the wiki during that time.
chase wrote:...all the wiki pages will get updated this month, I have some vacation coming up and I'll be working on the wiki during that time.
Hmmm... the previous attempt at moving the OSFaq Wiki (to retained the thread id's. If that were the case here, all you would have to do is adjusting the "Forum" entry on the InterWikiMap wiki page... unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case with the phpBB here.
Every good solution is obvious once you've found it.