OS Developement under WIndows.

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OS Developement under WIndows.

Post by elderK »

Yes, Im being a forum whore today.
;) Now that ive admitted that, lets move on.

I usually develop under Linux.
However, Im tiring of Linux.

So... I was wondering, what are good tools for OS Developement under Windows?

In particular, Windows XP Professional.

Im curious!
Ive been a NASM / GCC fan for years.
Going to something else would be kinda different.


Re:OS Developement under WIndows.

Post by oswizard »

See the thread below about visual c - I think the (free?) express edition will work for os deving. Also search for "Visual C" on the wiki - there is some information there.

That thread is http://www.mega-tokyo.com/forum/index.php?board=1;action=display;threadid=10167

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Re:OS Developement under WIndows.

Post by spix »

Use cygwin, you have all the tools you had in linux (gcc, nasm, etc)

As for editing your source code, gvim is in cygwin, but you could use something like ultraedit.

Re:OS Developement under WIndows.

Post by jolson88 »

Ha, I have the exact same opposite working for me. I've been a Windows dever for a while (mostly a .NET guy since the first Beta 2 of .NET). Yesterday or the day before I went down the VC2005 route, but I found I didn't have enough "bare bones" experience to make it work since you are a bit more removed from the bones than you are with the GCC tool chain.

So, I find myself moving the other way. I actually just installed Ubuntu under a virtual machine but networking isn't working right now. In the meantime, I'm going to go the Cygwin route. I'm going to go all the way too :P. I'm talking about the GCC tool chain, makefiles, VIM for editing. You know, get "the zen" experience :). lol.

Re:OS Developement under WIndows.

Post by engine252 »

i just started using vs2005
so far so good. ;D

Tired about linux?!

Post by Cheery »

zeii wrote:I usually develop under Linux.
However, Im tiring of Linux.
Sounds weird after itself being tired to windows XP and moved to linux... :)

If I would tire to linux, I'd move to plan9 or such.

Re:OS Developement under WIndows.

Post by James »

Thankyou for this topic!!!!!

Cygwin, is so useful, and now that I found it, yay!!!
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