Does any one have a decent OS?

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Does any one have a decent OS?

Post by bdcr_enterprises »

This message is for anyone who feels that they have a working, graphical, operating system and would like to have it be the next big operating system (next to Windows and Linux)! There are some requirements:
     -ease of use
     -range of applications
     -size name just a few.
Okay, here is what will happen. You will e-mail us your Operating System at [email protected] (DO NOT give us the link in your reply). Next, we will save it to either a CD of a Floppy and attempt to install it on one of our systems. Then we will test it and see what we think. After all that we will send you a reply be email if we were interested. If you don't however get an e-mail, that means that we A: were not able to install it on a computer or B: it did not meet our requirements. If you do get an e-mail, in it we will describe what will happen next! Thank you to all of you who send us your OS!

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