>>PANIC<< LTR: selector.ti != 0????

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>>PANIC<< LTR: selector.ti != 0????

Post by earlz »

bochs gives me this error in my TSS code, but if I just push continue then my kernel will boot fine, so what exactly does that mean?

Re:>>PANIC<< LTR: selector.ti != 0????

Post by Lord_Coder »

Could you type your kernel's source code ?
Probably you declared another function before _main .

Re:>>PANIC<< LTR: selector.ti != 0????

Post by earlz »

no thats not the problem, I'm sure my _main is first because my little mini console boots, I then type the test command which calls StartTSS(), so its not any problem like that

Re:>>PANIC<< LTR: selector.ti != 0????

Post by Ryu »

TI = Table Indicator, which tells the processor the selector is in the GDT or LDT. If your using TSS descriptors, it must be in the GDT (TI=0) I believe.

edit: This panic may also come up if you don't set LDTR before setting TR, just a possiblity.
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Re:>>PANIC<< LTR: selector.ti != 0????

Post by Pype.Clicker »

i guess things goes on fine when you pick "continue" because the virtual machine simply ignore the "TI" bit for TSS selectors... well, at least after having "panic'd" about it :P
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