@Solar: You basically exposed all the main practical weaknesses of the OTP, but...Solar wrote:A one-time-pad (OTP) has the disadvantage that sender and receiver must both have access to a really random (not pseudo-random) secret key of at least the same length as the original message.Candamir wrote: While we were all discussing about using some thoroughly tested open-source encryption package, OTP is surprisingly easy to implement; the only reason why you'd use some third-party piece of software is performance (although the algorithm is very fast compared with other crypto-algorithms).
The thing is, how do you manage to exchange that key securely... ;D
I am quite convinced of all your arguments, but my point is that when quantum computers become enough useful (that is, have a great amount of qubits) to crack real codes (AES, for example, is used currently to protect data classified as Top Secret in the US), we will have no other option than using the OTP, including:
- Natural phenomenons to generate real random keys (radioactivity, etc.)
- Quantum cryptography to provide an absolutely secure method of key exchange.
@Pyr0Mathic: Yes, I fear you'd need a second hd in order to store the key, but then, you'd lose all your security: Just break into your second hd to steal the key. You can't encrypt the second hd, as this would generate an infinitely recursive encryption loop. With this argument of yours, I can't think right now of any practical cryptosystem that can protect stored data - the OTP is used to protect data that has to be transmitted...
@Candy: I didn't really understand your man-in-the-middle attack, would you please mind to explain this idea with a little more detail?