Division Error to Reboot
Division Error to Reboot
Again me. ;D Hi. I wrote interrupts. For test, i wrote this code;
int i = 0;
i = 5 / i;
But when this code executed, computer rebooting. What is the matter? Why don't my code run? :-\
int i = 0;
i = 5 / i;
But when this code executed, computer rebooting. What is the matter? Why don't my code run? :-\
Re:Division Error to Reboot
The CPU is most probably triple-faulting for any number of reasons. The IDTR could be pointing to garbage instead of your IDT, the IDT entry for your handler could be somehow wrong, or your handler itself does something to trigger it. There are so many possibilities that it's impossible to say without seeing any code.
Re:Division Error to Reboot
Am I missing something or...
Dividing by zero will generate a #DE exception. In the C code "5" is your dividend, and "i" is your divisor.
Dividing by zero will generate a #DE exception. In the C code "5" is your dividend, and "i" is your divisor.
Re:Division Error to Reboot
My problem changed. Now "int 0" running. But
line = 0;
line = 5 / line;
command already rebooting computer. "int 0" runs after c code.
call _main
int 0
line = 0;
line = 5 / line;
command already rebooting computer. "int 0" runs after c code.
call _main
int 0
Re:Division Error to Reboot
Your not making any sense. The C code and software "int 0" to do what exactly? Test if the exception handler is working properly? (What you explained seems like the C Code is in main() in which case theres no need to do "int 0" to further test)
Some things you need to provide us:
1) Provide us with some debugging information, such as register dumps from Bochs. This will allow us to see if your handling this in real mode or protected mode and some other details.
2) Show the code you use to install the exception handler. So we can make sure your correctly setting the IDT or IVT correctly.
Some things you need to provide us:
1) Provide us with some debugging information, such as register dumps from Bochs. This will allow us to see if your handling this in real mode or protected mode and some other details.
2) Show the code you use to install the exception handler. So we can make sure your correctly setting the IDT or IVT correctly.
Re:Division Error to Reboot
More specifically, it would be a lot easier to figure out what's wrong if you showed us your IDT loading code/structures and your full 'main' function.
Re:Division Error to Reboot
If I use "line = 5 / line" command, bochs rebotting and it is showing that
"exception(): 3rd (13) exception with no resolution, shutdown status is 00h, resetting"
But if i don't use, everythink is ok.
"exception(): 3rd (13) exception with no resolution, shutdown status is 00h, resetting"
But if i don't use, everythink is ok.
Re:Division Error to Reboot
Yes, but we need to see the entire main function, and where you load the IDT.
Re:Division Error to Reboot
Tolga: What are you expecting to happen?
Doing a division by zero will cause a DivByZero fault, which invokes interrupt #0.
If that fails, the double fault handler (interrupt #8)
If THAT fails, (a "Triple fault"), the computer resets.
If you knew this, please be more precise about what's wrong, and what help you want.
If you didnt, there is a thread titled ".:QuickLinkz:. <-- read this before you post !".
In particular, the "How to ask questions page" is useful, and the llinks to other resources, including the FAQ.
Doing a division by zero will cause a DivByZero fault, which invokes interrupt #0.
If that fails, the double fault handler (interrupt #8)
If THAT fails, (a "Triple fault"), the computer resets.
If you knew this, please be more precise about what's wrong, and what help you want.
If you didnt, there is a thread titled ".:QuickLinkz:. <-- read this before you post !".
In particular, the "How to ask questions page" is useful, and the llinks to other resources, including the FAQ.
Re:Division Error to Reboot
At the end of, i solved my problem.
Working Code
int main(void)
tidt idt;
idt.set_idt_item( 0, 0x08, (unsigned)isr0, 0x8E );
I don't understand this isn't working.
void set_item( class tidt idt_class_name )
idt_class_name.set_idt_item( 0, 0x08, (unsigned)isr0, 0x8E );
int main(void)
tidt idt;
set_item( idt );
Working Code
int main(void)
tidt idt;
idt.set_idt_item( 0, 0x08, (unsigned)isr0, 0x8E );
I don't understand this isn't working.
void set_item( class tidt idt_class_name )
idt_class_name.set_idt_item( 0, 0x08, (unsigned)isr0, 0x8E );
int main(void)
tidt idt;
set_item( idt );
Re:Division Error to Reboot
My guess is that you messed up something with SS descriptor. Lately I've similar problems because my SS and DS segments had diffrent base addresses. Normally I would try to declare idt as global variable and check if it works
but since you're using objects you'll have turn off startup code in gcc and call constructor of tidt manualy to see if this works.
Code: Select all
tidt idt;
void set_item( class tidt idt_class_name )
idt_class_name.set_idt_item( 0, 0x08, (unsigned)isr0, 0x8E );
int main(void)
set_item( idt );
Re:Division Error to Reboot
OK. Now let's solve my problem. I'm showing the codes. This will be some long.
Code: Select all
extern "C" void isr0();
#include "include\dtables.h"
int main(void)
tidt idt;
idt.set_idt_item( 0, 0x08, (unsigned)isr0, 0x8E );
Code: Select all
#ifndef __DTABLES_H
#define __DTABLES_H
// Idt Pointer Struct
struct tidt_pointer{
unsigned short limit;
unsigned int base;
// Idt Item Struct
struct tidt_item{
unsigned short base_low;
unsigned short selector;
unsigned char always_zero;
unsigned char flags;
unsigned short base_high;
// Class
class tidt{
// Variables
struct tidt_pointer idt_pointer;
struct tidt_item idt_items[256];
// Constructor
// Destructor
void set_idt_item( unsigned char int_number, unsigned short selector, unsigned int base, unsigned char flags );
void set_idtr( unsigned int base, unsigned short limit );
void install_idtr();
Code: Select all
// Includes
#include "dtables.h"
// Externs
extern "C" void set_idtr_value();
// Variables
// Assembly Extern Variables ( Variable Names Constant )
unsigned int new_idtr_limit;
unsigned int new_idtr_base;
// Constructor
// Destructor
// Set Idt Item
void tidt::set_idt_item( unsigned char int_number, unsigned short selector, unsigned int base, unsigned char flags )
// Interrupt Base Address
this->idt_items[ int_number ].base_low = (base & 0xFFFF);
this->idt_items[ int_number ].base_high = (base >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
// Selector
this->idt_items[ int_number ].selector = selector;
// Always Zero Area
this->idt_items[ int_number ].always_zero = 0;
// Present, DPL, System, Type
this->idt_items[ int_number ].flags = flags;
// Set IDTR
void tidt::set_idtr( unsigned int base, unsigned short limit )
// Load class values
this->idt_pointer.base = base;
this->idt_pointer.limit = limit;
// Load extern values
new_idtr_base = base;
new_idtr_limit = limit;
// Call
// Install IDTR
void tidt::install_idtr()
// Load class value
this->idt_pointer.base = (unsigned int)&idt_items;
this->idt_pointer.limit = 256 * 8 - 1;
// Load extern values
new_idtr_base = (unsigned int)&idt_items;
new_idtr_limit = 256 * 8 - 1;
// Call
Code: Select all
; Preprocessor
[BITS 32]
[global start]
[extern _main]
; Main Codes
section .text
; Now In Loader
mov edi, 0xB8000
mov byte[edi+0], '+'
mov byte[edi+1], 0x07
; Stack
; C Calling
call _main
; Halt System
; Variables
section .data
; Extern Functions
section .text
; Set IDTR Value
global _set_idtr_value
extern _new_idtr_limit
extern _new_idtr_base
push gs
push fs
push es
push ds
; Load Values
mov eax, dword[_new_idtr_limit]
mov ebx, dword[_new_idtr_base]
mov word[IDTR_LIMIT], ax
mov dword[IDTR_BASE], ebx
; Load New IDTR
lidt [IDTR]
pop ds
pop es
pop fs
pop gs
; Interrupt Service Routines
global _isr0
; 0: Divison Error
push gs
push fs
push es
push ds
pop ds
pop es
pop fs
pop gs
; System Stack
resb 8190
Re:Division Error to Reboot
Code: Select all
; 0: Divison Error
push gs
push fs
push es
push ds
pop ds
pop es
pop fs
pop gs
Tip: try inserting a 'hlt' instruction between the push's and the pop's. It should stop it from reseting, but still just sit there and do nothing.
Re:Division Error to Reboot
I'm pretty sure the fault would occur infinitely instead of double-faulting the second time around. Double faults only occur when something happens before the first instruction of a handler can be executed for some reason. Also unless an interrupt gate is used to dispatch the handler a CLI instruction will be needed before the HLT. At least if the processor freezes then you know execution has probably reached that point but I think there's some other problem (haven't looked looked at the code in-depth).