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Post by 1382 »

Does the BIOS provide any procedure in order to clear the screen right after it has loaded the bootstarp loader and transfered control over to it?


Post by HOS »

im not sure, there might be a bios call to clear the screen, but you can also do it yourself by writing zeros to video memory...


Post by TripleFault »

To clear the screen using BIOS need to call INT 10h like this:

mov ah,0x06
mov al,0x00
mov cx,0x00
mov dh,0x18
mov dl,0x4F
int 0x10

You must be using an 80x25 screen mode for this to work.  The computer boots up in this mode so this should work for you.  (I hope that I got it right)
~ TripleFault !)
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