while writing a string INT 41 easier than INT 10 , but what is different?Why everbody using INT 10? Can we write colored strings(but use INT 41)?And last question;
Creating a kernel: f. Ex. :
[BITS 32]
mov eax,1234 ;(may not true )
cmp eax,1234
je .exit
jne .repeat
may my program have a problem but this an example
and i want use this asm function in C code
check(); //like this, i want call my asm function,
Noob question:INT 41 or INT 10
- Pype.Clicker
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Re:Noob question:INT 41 or INT 10
I guess that should plainly explain why we prefer sticking to INT 10 Unless you're booted by Windows, you're unlikely to have those services installed.Int 41/AX=0000h - MS Windows debugging kernel - OUTPUT CHARACTER FOR USER
Int 41/AX=0001h - MS Windows debugging kernel - INPUT CHARACTER
Int 41/AX=000Dh - MS Windows debugging kernel - TASK GOING OUT
Int 41/AX=000Eh - MS Windows debugging kernel - TASK COMING IN
Int 41/AX=0012h - MS Windows debugging kernel - OutputDebugString
Int 41/AX=004Fh - MS Windows debugging kernel - DEBUGGER INSTALLATION CHECK
... not mentionning that the 'regular' use for that int vector is to store the address of disk parameters as used by the BIOS
Code: Select all
[BITS 32]
mov eax,1234 ;(may not true )
cmp eax,1234
je .exit
jne .repeat
; may my program have a problem but this an example
what exactly are you trying to do here ? what "problem" do you expect ? except the fact there's neither ".exit" nor ".repeat" here ...
Then make sure you don't have underscores generated ahead of your C symbols and learn the C calling conventions.and i want use this asm function in C code
check(); //like this, i want call my asm function,
Code: Select all
global check
; do_stuff
mov eax, return_value