Another Q: to add to my list...

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Another Q: to add to my list...

Post by darklife »

I need a simple to understand 8086 opcode chart so that I can make a
simple emulator. The emulator will read the binary code and unassemble
the opcode and figure out what to do with it. I've seen some good
8086 charts but they make little sence to me when it starts getting
into stuff like the opcodes for MOV AX,[BX+SI-2]. I know the opcode
for that is 8B40FEH (thanks to debug.exe) but how does it get to that
point? A simple 8086 opcode list will do. Thanks again.
Tim Robinson

RE:Another Q: to add to my list...

Post by Tim Robinson »

There's no such thing as a simple 8086 opcode list :). That instruction would be in the MOV AX section of the table, with the register and mod/rm bytes set up for [BS+SI-2].

The best source of information is the original Intel manuals, which give encodings for each instruction. Another place to look is the Nasm manual, which explains how the various instruction encodings work.
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