Dex4u, You are my HERO. You made a 16 OS! WOW! I looked the screenshots on youre webpage.. . . AWSOME! I WISH I could print-scr paste it in mspaint and then touch it up! WHOOOA! You are going to be the next Bill Gates.. OMG. (etc. etc.)
"Dex4u is a 32bit pmode operating system, written entirely in assembly language. It's based on a modern day dos, as in it's single tasking, runs in ring0, and lets programmers have direct access to the hardware, but unlike dos, you can access up to 4GB of memory. But do not think of "Dex4u" as a old fashioned os, it is what dos would of been, if M$ had not killed it off, It is also the same layout as the Xbox, which can not be called old fashoin.
Firstly, quit the scarcasm! It only ignites anger.
gawd knows who@Dex: I'm starting to think you are getting a tad full of yourself, having your
hobby os on a list with linux and other hot-shots (
here for the curious).
To be honnest, I don't give to shakes of a rat's @$$! The spoon micro-kernel beats the effin crap out of dos, as does Clicker32. Clicker32 isn't EVEN DONE! WHY? I'll sure tell you! DOS is ancient technology. Is it still usefull? YES.
Now for DJGPP or whatever the gawdamn thing is called. If it was still under active devlopment, people would most likely use it. What's that? Still under development? Yes I've read
this page about porting to XP and such, but the DOS version you are talking about is no longer supported officially!
One more thing @dex. If you can write such a nice bootloader: DO IT. I sure will use it if it's all you say!
I could go on and on about you dex, but I choose not to. Why? I don't want to get permenantly banned! Also, you insight
is usually usefull, and you're an enemy I don't want. As for the rest of you trouble-makers (the saints may disregard): KNOCK IT OFF!
Cheers, DH. >:(
@pype: If you find something about Clicker32 offensive (i don't see anything myself), tell me so I can remove it!
<pype> took the liberty to moderate the terms and wipe the now irrelevant asm-vs-the-world troll out of it</pype>