I'm going to go out of my way to say this [rantish comment]:
The GNU people seem to think that they are the Open Source gods or something. They
appear to have something against UDI because of it's backing idea. What's so bad about coperate usage of this system? Nothing I can see! If this plan went through, maybe I wouldn't have to **** with my Linux install every time I upgraded to get the darn sound working! Maybe then, Unreal Tournament 04 wouldn't run like crap on my linux! Ha! What if it
was exploited for the good of the company? Who cares! Let them make money, it's not like they would be any poorer by
not exploiting it! I opt to not include UDI, because it's just too unstable of a project to be seriously considered, espically with the GNU Gods ranting about legal issues surrounding the idea!
Now for my response:
If UDI works for you, use it! POSIX to me is a waste of time in many respects, but then you have to worry about porting issues and the like. I probably will be shamed into partial POSIX compatability, but what they say is a little of a good thing is ok, but too much will make you sick... or something like that
It dissapoints me that Nvidia doesn't even make a CLOSED SOURCE driver for linux (eg. one that is just dynamically loaded). I can see many happy gamers as a result. I mean, linux
is more stable, secure, and looks nicer from the same distance
(I'm trying to imply that they're (windows and linux) are both kind of off in many respects). If Nvidia does that, then a/the general version of it may be soon to follow
While Solar _is_ right about porting, documenting the METHODS is what I believe is criticle to be able to share code in a "true open source way". rofl, like THAT'LL ever happen ;D.
Maybe we should all be trying to make our OSs load Window$ drivers or something. hahaha, then you only have to worry about window$-exclusive viruses and such. Not to mention any legal action M$ may take, :-X like a license model that prevents loading outside of a non-window$-native environment!