Bladers wrote:
well am currently making a hello world OS, which i will find a way to run it down to a EPROM/PIC. And HOok up a PDA-LCD and test it
Good luck in advance. You know that a program (or operating system - especially operating system actually) made for a normal computer doesn't run on the PDA?
GLneo wrote:
ok, give us the instruction set for your cpu then we will talk, if you cant do that we cant help, sorry :-\
If we don't know the instruction set we can still help with generic things like structure and logic behind say, scheduling.
p.s. were is __pissed ???
Being actively moderated away. He can't bother to correspond to basic behavioural rules we set him (specifically) months ago. If you can't bother to be constructive, nice or helpful in any way (none of the three), then you are not doing anything that might help the forum. So, off with him.
Note to the rest, you'd have to go pretty far for such, and I'm still reading his posts before deciding whether to delete or not.
kataklinger wrote:
First of all we not making crazy OSes they are based on real stuff not on some movie!
You are probably making an OS based on the idea that you don't like those that exist, or you want to make your own or such. He is making one based on the idea that he wants an OS like that which appears in the Batman movie (correct me if I'm wrong on that), which doesn't exist or is not within his reach (although I think it really doesn't exist).
Second: he wants to make batwave (is it some kind of mp3 player? i saw picture) using pic16f84 (i think he was talking about that model on the other forum) 8-bits microcontroller with few KB of RAM and it is not likely to happen, well it won't happen at all!
You can make an MP3 player on ANY processing chip. The speed might leave to wish for however, and the complexity of MP3 says me he isn't implementing it for himself for at least 4 years.
Third: refreshing look on things and goal which he wants to achive - make fancy Batman equipment to fight against evil, the kid lives in cartoon and he knows nothing about real world, but he's convinced that he knows everyting about computers!
He's a kid for christs sake. Let him live in a batman world if that's what he wants, let him try to recreate it in real life. That's the way to make any sort of science interesting!
Kids are interested in chemistry because of fireworks and bombs and things they can't explain. Kids are interested in physics for their robot car or stuff like that. They're interested in software engineering for being able to make something that doesn't exist. You can change the world, especially in informatics.