The batman Tech Os

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Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by Candy »

kataklinger wrote: :o

This guy needs help, but he should look somewhere else (if you know what i mean ::))!
And I think we should stop wasting out times on him,we cannot help!

He can't understand basic concepts, and we trying to help him to make some cray Bat stuff ;D
We're all making crazy OSes, we just think we're normal. Why make fun of him?

I've seen people want to make an OS based on languages I'd never heard of (Forth, OC/AML). I've seen people do stuff that I consider crazy (OS in Pascal, Basic or even Visual Basic, full OS in Assembly). I've seen designs that make me almost rip my hair out, because they violate my basic principles.

This one does none of these, it only has a new refreshing look on things and a goal which he wants to achieve. I say, if he can do it, why not? Don't be the judge what others can and can not do.

Yet, you are right, he does need to understand the basics first, before he can move on to more advanced stuff.
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Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by kataklinger »

First of all we not making crazy OSes they are based on real stuff not on some movie!

Second: he wants to make batwave (is it some kind of mp3 player? i saw picture) using pic16f84 (i think he was talking about that model on the other forum) 8-bits microcontroller with few KB of RAM and it is not likely to happen, well it won't happen at all!

Third: refreshing look on things and goal which he wants to achive - make fancy Batman equipment to fight against evil, the kid lives in cartoon and he knows nothing about real world, but he's convinced that he knows everyting about computers!

Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by GLneo »

ok, give us the instruction set for your cpu then we will talk, if you cant do that we cant help, sorry :-\

p.s. were is __pissed ???

Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by Bladers »

well am currently making a hello world OS, which i will find a way to run it down to a EPROM/PIC. And HOok up a PDA-LCD and test it
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Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by Candy »

Bladers wrote: well am currently making a hello world OS, which i will find a way to run it down to a EPROM/PIC. And HOok up a PDA-LCD and test it
Good luck in advance. You know that a program (or operating system - especially operating system actually) made for a normal computer doesn't run on the PDA?
GLneo wrote: ok, give us the instruction set for your cpu then we will talk, if you cant do that we cant help, sorry :-\
If we don't know the instruction set we can still help with generic things like structure and logic behind say, scheduling.
p.s. were is __pissed ???
Being actively moderated away. He can't bother to correspond to basic behavioural rules we set him (specifically) months ago. If you can't bother to be constructive, nice or helpful in any way (none of the three), then you are not doing anything that might help the forum. So, off with him.

Note to the rest, you'd have to go pretty far for such, and I'm still reading his posts before deciding whether to delete or not.
kataklinger wrote: First of all we not making crazy OSes they are based on real stuff not on some movie!
You are probably making an OS based on the idea that you don't like those that exist, or you want to make your own or such. He is making one based on the idea that he wants an OS like that which appears in the Batman movie (correct me if I'm wrong on that), which doesn't exist or is not within his reach (although I think it really doesn't exist).
Second: he wants to make batwave (is it some kind of mp3 player? i saw picture) using pic16f84 (i think he was talking about that model on the other forum) 8-bits microcontroller with few KB of RAM and it is not likely to happen, well it won't happen at all!
You can make an MP3 player on ANY processing chip. The speed might leave to wish for however, and the complexity of MP3 says me he isn't implementing it for himself for at least 4 years.
Third: refreshing look on things and goal which he wants to achive - make fancy Batman equipment to fight against evil, the kid lives in cartoon and he knows nothing about real world, but he's convinced that he knows everyting about computers!
He's a kid for christs sake. Let him live in a batman world if that's what he wants, let him try to recreate it in real life. That's the way to make any sort of science interesting!

Kids are interested in chemistry because of fireworks and bombs and things they can't explain. Kids are interested in physics for their robot car or stuff like that. They're interested in software engineering for being able to make something that doesn't exist. You can change the world, especially in informatics.
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Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by kataklinger »

I have no comment :-X, I cannot discuss about this any more.

Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by Bladers »

OS is used in PDa
Palm os and mobile os
go to

Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by Bladers »

i downloaded this OS put is not compile yet it.
it was the source code, and i dont know how to compile it
or remake it with the makefile

and also check out the Hello world coded in C
Image [/img]

also check ... ost4762581


Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by whyme_t »

Perhaps you should attach/post the source code Bladers.

Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by JoeKayzA »

Bladers wrote: OS is used in PDa
Palm os and mobile os
go to
Well, yes, there is a bunch of different OS used on PDAs, but as Candy stated
You know that a program (or operating system - especially operating system actually) made for a normal computer doesn't run on the PDA?
where 'normal computer' means 'PC' or 'IBM PC compatible'.

It has to do with the processor that is used in the device. When you write software, it has to be written for the specific processor type (also called 'machine architecture') on which it should run. Modern programming languages and, to some extend also the OSs, can help us porting programs to different processors, but an OS itself has to be specialized for the machine on which it should run.

I'd recommend you search the web and learn about processor architectures, where they are used, and which one is used in your PDA. You must understand this one before you can bother writing an OS. ;)

cheers Joe

Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by GLneo »

if you made that hello world thats good, with c you won't rilly need to now much about you system for some time becuse c is system independent to a point. as for your make file run it with the program "make" it sould come with your compiler, but if your using windows you should just use a ".bat" file to compile your OS.

hope that helps:)
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Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by Candy »

GLneo wrote: if you made that hello world thats good, with c you won't rilly need to now much about you system for some time becuse c is system independent to a point. as for your make file run it with the program "make" it sould come with your compiler, but if your using windows you should just use a ".bat" file to compile your OS.

hope that helps:)
The point of the shell we're trying to tell him is that you are also encouraged (very very strongly) to use makefiles in Windows, since they are platform independant (and BAT files most definately aren't). You can use a batch file, but it's a very bad and crude alternative to learning to use make.

With ANY code that has to run without C runtime (say, any operating system or boot code) you cannot use default print routines. There is no cout, there is no printf. You have to make them.

Good luck with that.
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Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by Pype.Clicker »

Bladers wrote: OS is used in PDa
Palm os and mobile os
go to
What is that supposed to tell us ?
i downloaded this OS put is not compile yet it.
follow the instructions, read the manuals, install proper tools, proper cross-compilers, etc. It will eventually compile.
and also check out the Hello world coded in C
world says hello in return ... something else expected ? or are you just blogging this ?
oh come on! it's getting annoying ... choose the place you want to talk. I went to that forum twice at your request and you're just saying the very same thing.
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Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by distantvoices »

Pype loosing his nerves, thats seldom a thing to be witnessed I daresay *gg*

As far as I am concerned, I've avoided til now to get involved in this thread for there's a danger hidden for me to use some stern sentences, you know, eh, and then someone comes along telling me not to chasten this lad that hard (not as if he'd care anyways - just an other picky grownup)-- to cut him some slack, eh? Nah, I 've had to learn for an electronics assignment.

But now, after having followed the thread for a while with a slight smile around the corners of my mouth, I've decided Yea, it's time for some say now:

@Kataklinger: I'm with you on some of your points. On the other hand, Candy has put it right: The lad's a kid and kid's usually have the heads in the clouds (unless they 're abused and mistreated and sorta which I do not want to elaborate en detail - but such events usually leave them behind in knurd state) so why not let him have some good time in that cloudy realms and enjoy our own good times?

@Bladers: Despite me having full understanding for your dreams and airiness I do not tolerate nor accept spelling and grammar THAT atrocious.

Please use at least full formed sentences with punctuation and sorta - as we all learn at school. It's quite gruesome to navigate through your thoughts without them.

Second: YOu may find our OSFAQ (LInk in my Signature) useful for most aspects of your osdev/programming attempt. Crosscompiling f. ex. jumps into my mind.

Third: It is maybe very useful to tuck the head out of the clouds and look into reality - just to make sure we don't lose track, eh? Oh, besides, stop pointing us to other FORA all the while. That's ludicrous at best.

Stay safe

(P.S. I've got an A in practical Electronics - let's look what it turns out to be in Theory)
... the osdever formerly known as beyond infinity ...
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Re:The batman Tech Os

Post by Pype.Clicker »

beyond infinity wrote: Pype loosing his nerves, thats seldom a thing to be witnessed I daresay *gg*
well, i expect ppl to come on forums to look for interaction with other ppl. I fail to see how i could interact with the guy since what he posts leaves me clueless on what he wishes.

my final word to Bladers on this thread will be this:
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