i got the bootsector of my os but now i have to make the next step i think its the micro-kernel but i dont know how 2 make it and what the programs i'll work with ( i got the Tcc & Gcc & partcopy & masm & nasm & tasm ) if their is any other programs , plz give me the free download site of it . and tell me how can i make a micro-kernel with small commands in its command line . i want a single tasking kernel not multitasking .
my bootsector is simple one just appear the word "welcome to my small OS "
and now i'll wait for ur help to start the work in kernel
thanks alot ....
i got the boorsector but ..
Re:i got the boorsector but ..
It'd be a good idea to check the FAQ as your next step, specifically the sections on basic info, environment and such-like.