Total memory in a system

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Total memory in a system

Post by yukito »

Sorry if it's been asked before, which I'm sure it has, but how do I find out how much ram is in the system? I'm running in protected mode and I don't have my own bootloader, is there a way to find out from withing protected mode?

Re:Total memory in a system

Post by AR »


This is what the FAQ is for.
See: How do I determine the amount of RAM?

There is also a search button at the top.

Re:Total memory in a system

Post by Freanan »

Check the correspondent entry
in the faq
I think it is recommended to use the multiboot info from grub...

Re:Total memory in a system

Post by yukito »

Thanks! I couldn't find it using the search button at the top, unfortunately "memory", "total" and "amount" are used in almost every post.
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Re:Total memory in a system

Post by Solar »

Never mind. You'd be newcomer number... uh... 3 2/16... who didn't start his mega-tokyo "career" by asking something that's in the FAQ. ;)
Every good solution is obvious once you've found it.

Re:Total memory in a system

Post by smiddy »

Mushi-Mushi (Is that right?) Yukito,

Not all the ways to determine the amount of memory are within the FAQ anyhow, so don't sweat it. One way to determine the amount of memory in protected mode is to use SMBIOS. SMBIOS will tell you the number of memory sticks, it will also tell much more about the memory. Here's a link to the SMBIOS documents: If you need clarification on anything on SMBIOS let me know, I'll help you get it going. I have written routines in ASM to get this very information.

Re:Total memory in a system

Post by yukito »

The SMBIOS looks interesting, I'll look into it when I have some time to spare, right now I'll stick with the multiboot structure, for simplicity's sake.

A first impression is that I'll need help setting up SMBIOS functions ;D

Thank you :)
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