Where can i find the spcification (I/O-ports etc.) for the emulated hardware in VMware Workstation 5.0?? The user-manual doesn't contain any valuable information... I need this to make drivers for my OS that works on VMware's "hardware".
"Hardware"-specification for VMware?
Re:"Hardware"-specification for VMware?
The Virtual Machine Specifications are at VMWare's specifications, which also mentions which chips are emulated - does that help you?
Every good solution is obvious once you've found it.
Re:"Hardware"-specification for VMware?
In addition to the link provided by Solar, this link VMWare Knowledge base URL takes you to VMWare's KnowledgeBase.
Re:"Hardware"-specification for VMware?
The Virtual Machine Specifications are at VMWare's specifications, which also mentions which chips are emulated - does that help you?
No actually i more wanted this kind of documentation that I use now for my PIC/ATA/etc. drivers.
This is for the Host-to-PCI and PCI-to-ISA chips in my 440BX chipset. Now I want something similar for the emulated hardware in VMware (or is VMware emulating an existing Intel-chipset so I can use Intel-documentation?)
If this information not is available for VMware, which other processor emulators have this information available?
//Sam the MAN
Re:"Hardware"-specification for VMware?
The Virtual Machine Specifications are at VMWare's specifications, which also mentions which chips are emulated - does that help you?
Sorry, I changed my mind, it helped me VERY much, thank you! I now see that it emulates the 440BX chipset, I didn't see this at first.
//Sam the man