Hi Gurus,
I am very new to OS dev, and very curious about building my own os.
Recently I was studying the code Christopher Giese on his Cosmos 10 OS but I got stucked on his makefile, I could not understand it. I already learned about DJGPP and Nasm.
Can somebody teach me or explain this Makefile line by line to me.
I would appreciate it so much.
Thank u very much in advance.
# defines
.SUFFIXES: .asm .x .exe
# uncomment the next line to rebuild everything if this makefile changes
# chose ELF, COFF, or PE in the next two lines
LSCRIPT =ldscript/coffkrnl.ld
AFLAGS =-f coff -dUNDERBARS=1 -i$(INCDIR)/
CFLAGS =-g -Wall -W -O2 -I$(INCDIR) -fno-builtin -nostdinc
LIBC =tinylib/libc.a
OBJS =krnl/kstart.o krnl/main.o krnl/video.o krnl/kbd.o krnl/loader.o \
krnl/time.o krnl/paging.o krnl/syscalls.o krnl/debug.o krnl/mm.o \
DELETE =deltree /y
# targets
all: krnl.dsk
$(DELETE) *.dsk *.lst *.sym *.x *.com krnl\*.o util\*.exe
make -f $(MAKEFILE) clean
make -C tinylib -f $(MAKEFILE) clean
make -C apps -f $(MAKEFILE) clean
# implicit rules
gcc -s -O2 -o$@ $<
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -o$@ $<
nasm $(AFLAGS) -o$@ $<
# dependencies
util/rdsk.exe: util/rdsk.c $(MAKEDEP)
krnl/kstart.o: krnl/kstart.asm $(MAKEDEP)
krnl/main.o: krnl/main.c $(MAKEDEP)
krnl/video.o: krnl/video.c $(MAKEDEP)
krnl/kbd.o: krnl/kbd.c $(MAKEDEP)
krnl/loader.o: krnl/loader.c $(MAKEDEP)
krnl/time.o: krnl/time.c $(MAKEDEP)
krnl/paging.o: krnl/paging.c $(MAKEDEP)
krnl/mm.o: krnl/mm.c $(MAKEDEP)
krnl/tasks.o: krnl/tasks.c $(MAKEDEP)
# explicit rules
load.com: load.asm $(MAKEDEP)
nasm -f bin -o$@ $<
$(LIBC): tinylib/$(MAKEFILE)
make -C tinylib -f $(MAKEFILE)
krnl.x: $(LIBC) $(OBJS) $(LSCRIPT) $(MAKEDEP)
ld $(LFLAGS) -o$@ $(OBJS) $(LIBC)
objdump --line-numbers --source $@ >krnl.lst
nm --line-numbers $@ | sort >krnl.sym
strip $@
krnl.dsk: util/rdsk.exe krnl.x $(MAKEDEP)
make -C apps -f $(MAKEFILE)
echo krnl.x >x
echo apps/hello.x >>x
echo apps/echo.x >>x
echo apps/time.x >>x
echo apps/tetris.x >>x
echo apps/tetris.x >>x
echo apps/invade.x >>x
echo apps/protect.x >>x
echo apps/protect.x >>x
echo apps/protect.x >>x
echo apps/protect.x >>x
echo apps/protect.x >>x
# echo apps/protect.x >>x
util\rdsk.exe -o $@ @x
del x
Please explain this makefile
Re:Please explain this makefile
Which particular part do you want explained?
The "XYZ = ABC" creates an environment variable named "XYZ" and stores "ABC" in it. "$(XYZ)" returns the contents of the environment variable.
"clean:" declares a make target (eg. command line "C:\>make clean"), the things after the colon on the same line are "dependencies". Dependencies are built before the object in question (you usually have an "prog.exe: $(BUILDOBJS)" where BUILDOBJS declares all the object files required to construct the binary), you can also have recursive targets (The ".c.o" things) which basically mean "if the file has extension X then do this to make it into extension Y" (eg. "make C into O").
You can also write recursive makefiles (The further "make" commands within the makefile) but I won't go into the details of that for the moment.
[This was essentially a crash course, feel free to ask more specific questions]
The "XYZ = ABC" creates an environment variable named "XYZ" and stores "ABC" in it. "$(XYZ)" returns the contents of the environment variable.
"clean:" declares a make target (eg. command line "C:\>make clean"), the things after the colon on the same line are "dependencies". Dependencies are built before the object in question (you usually have an "prog.exe: $(BUILDOBJS)" where BUILDOBJS declares all the object files required to construct the binary), you can also have recursive targets (The ".c.o" things) which basically mean "if the file has extension X then do this to make it into extension Y" (eg. "make C into O").
You can also write recursive makefiles (The further "make" commands within the makefile) but I won't go into the details of that for the moment.
[This was essentially a crash course, feel free to ask more specific questions]
Re:Please explain this makefile
Where did you get this knowledge? from DJGPP manuals or DOS batching manual?
Thank you any way.
I hope more explanation on other lines.
Thank you any way.
I hope more explanation on other lines.