simple inline asm question

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simple inline asm question

Post by GLneo »

i'm not too good with inline asm(gcc) and i can't find the problem with:

Code: Select all

void jmp(void *prog)
    asm volatile ("jmp %0" : : "m" (prog));

void call(void *prog)
    asm volatile ("call %0" : : "m" (prog));
wend i compile i get:

Code: Select all

Warning: indirect jmp without '*'
Warning: indirect call without '*'

Re:simple inline asm question

Post by AR »

Can I ask what exactly the point of those are? Why do you need to manually jump and call?

The error means that you aren't dereferencing what is supposedly a memory location to get the jump/call address from (IIRC), change "m" to "r"
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