Textmode - Cursor blinking

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Textmode - Cursor blinking

Post by nooby »

how can i make the textmode (80*25) cursor blinking ?
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Re:Textmode - Cursor blinking

Post by Pype.Clicker »

iirc, this is defined by some bit in the VGA registers (you should find more detailed info on http://www.osdev.org/osfaq2/index.php/VgaResources, more precisely on FreeVGA, as soon as "osdever.net" is back online ...).

However, i expect some odd hardware (ancient laptops, etc) to ignore that bit, so check if DOS cursor blinks before you slam your forehead somewhere.

Re:Textmode - Cursor blinking

Post by marcio.f »

While osdever isn't online you can search for the pages you want on Google and read them on its cache.
I.e. for page http://www.google.com/search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.osdever.net%2FFreeVGA%2Fvga%2Ftextcur.htm
go to ;)

Re:Textmode - Cursor blinking

Post by srg »

why is it that osdever.ner seems to be offline more then it's online?

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