What do I need?
What do I need?
I was wondering what I need to know to create an OS and where I can find that information.
RE:What do I need?
You'll have a bootstrap (also called bootloader) at first. My enviroment uses a bootstrap I found as an example for OSdevelopers, and it works well.
RE:What do I need?
Well you came to the right sight . The links here are pretty good, I recommend osdev.neopages.net as a good place to start (Bona Fide OS Dev). Learning Assembly for the machine you wish to develop for is usually a good idea, as well as C/C++ or some other high level language you wish. Oh yeah, and a good theoretical foundation would be great, so either some of Tannenbaum's books, or The OS Vade Mecum (just search google for it).