In fact, in any language you can describe what can be described by the langauge, you will need to proof that the language have some propierties, and knowing the propierties of he language, you should be able to know what type of problems can be solved with the language, by example, you can write a OS with a turing machine... but you will try it?.
Now there exist diference in implementations for the same solution in diferent languages, you know there are some metrics that compare for example how many lines of code in % are for write something for example C, ADA, smaltalk, asm.
Also one thing are the languages, because like I said before a thing is that you can describe any posible description with a certain langauge in certain way, but another one are the translators (compilers/interpreters/.. etc...).
Before continue, first I whant to trow my observations...
In wich binary form??, PE, elf, COM, raw binary? or with a displacemnts added to the addresses for example if you load you bootsector to 0x10000, a compressed file... by the way, even doc documents are binary... will doubt it???seeing as you can now compile PHP into binary form
Tought dont know this, they can provide access to the offsets or only some like emit thing for some C compilers.. or what you are trying to show?you know, you can use Perl for inline commands
By the way, say that you can use another language when you say that can be done in PHP, is for example say: yes I can talk portuguese and you answer: sure?, say me how I say "hello there" in that language, and you go with a friend or a traslator that say you how is it. Now say me, you really can talk portuguese???? ::)
By the way, tought even that you for example are proud in manipulating the bin file obtained with PHP.... you will be able to use privileged instructions??? like lgdt, int and others??? I gues you can with workarounds, but will be hard, because the langauge dosent even know that there exist such type of instructions (is designed for other thing).... probably the compiler for PHP only is able to output directly user operation codes like mov, mul, div, perhaps FPU and posibble MMX, SSE1,2,3... perhaps, tought this last ones I doubt.
Like I say before, there are diferent languages designed for diferent things, tought in you language morron is not a word, morron in my language exist, by the way, is used for give flovour to food.'morron' is not a word
You know?? some languages natural languages are diferent to translate, even that they have near the same porpuose, for example I have listened one time that the poem "the crow" is dificult to translate to other languages, tought it can be translated in a direct way, you should be a master of poems for give the same inpact in a diferent language...
Yes I agree that the majority of languages can be used for solve algorithms (because the majority apart of diferences share some basic propierties). But that not mean that all languages can be used the exact same way, even the paradigms will help you in solve problems and will impact you and the language, with some paradigms certain problems should be easy, with others should be more hard and near to not posible bu that not mean that can not be done... but you will try it?.
By the way, rereading, I see that you say thta you only whant to amuse he/she, remember that all are impactable