I see, nice.
By the way, continuing with bochs

. Here is the default config for log options that I have:
Code: Select all
Current log settings:
Debug Info Error Panic Pass
ID Device Action Action Action Action Action
---- --------- --------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
0. [IO ] ignore report report fatal fatal
1. [KMAP ] ignore report report fatal fatal
2. [CPU ] ignore report report fatal fatal
3. [APIC?] ignore report report fatal fatal
4. [MEM0 ] ignore report report fatal fatal
5. [VTIME] ignore report report fatal fatal
6. [PIT ] ignore report report fatal fatal
7. [PIT81] ignore report report fatal fatal
8. [IOAP ] ignore report report fatal fatal
9. [STIME] ignore report report fatal fatal
10. [DEV ] ignore report report fatal fatal
25. [SYS ] ignore report report fatal fatal
26. [CTRL ] ignore report report fatal fatal
And here is What I supose they mean???
Code: Select all
ID Device My explanation
---- --------- -----------------
0. [IO ] Generated when in, out are used, perhaps other thing activate it
1. [KMAP ] ????
2. [CPU ] I see that this is reported like CPU0, in fact the important messages like triple faults and suchs things?
3. [APIC?] The ? is a number (If Im not wrong) and is the APIC (I dont know much about this things)
4. [MEM0 ] Memory... read, write???
5. [VTIME] Dont know.
6. [PIT ] The PIT that is standar (but I don know much about it)
7. [PIT81] Dont know the diference with the above.
8. [IOAP ] ammm.... :S
9. [STIME] ammm for second time :)
10. [DEV ] Perhaps the disks like floppy, hd, cdr and suchs...
25. [SYS ] ammm...
26. [CTRL ] ammm...
And the suposed actions:
Code: Select all
Debug: Used for debugging (the device).. like say Brendan .. perhaps for the developers?
Info: The device whant say something or "clarify" or be more explicit in with respect other message, or the actions that are taked each time... ??.
Error: The device has detected a error.
Panic: Dont know way a Device will be scary! :D
Pass: Pass in time... but havent reported?... like: uhh!!!, now I remember something that I must tell you time a go. ????
What to do for the anterior actions
Code: Select all
ignore: Dont do anything for the specific device action (dosent matter wich action is)
report: it report in console a specific message
ask: it ask for continue(ignore) terminate(fatal)...
fatal: it terminate completely Bochs.
Also in the config file if you specify a file for the log, then all the reactions to actions (messages) will be saved there, if not (put instead of name a "-"), they will be dumped to console.
OK, after clarify that, wich devices matter more, I supose CPU0??
Edit: I have watched that log options for each device are not saved to the config file... Then I cannot save the configuration for specific device???