Profiling Our Operating Systems

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Profiling Our Operating Systems

Post by Slasher »

After a Long time trying to patch up my Os (I was just adding more stuff to a poor design :P ) I decided to restart afresh.
My question is, how can we compare the performance gain or loss incurred due to changes in code and design?
I'm looking for a means to measure and time my OS.
I'm changing my kernel memory allocator from using link list of allocation nodes to a table of allocation slots. Wanted to see if the change lead to performance gains or losses.
Any ideas are welcomed, thanks

Re:Profiling Our Operating Systems

Post by proxy »

one simple way it to setup a high resolution timer in kernel land. Then you cna get some raw numbers like this:

Code: Select all

uint64_t t1 = getTickCount();

// code in question here

uint64_t t2 = getTickCount();

printf("it took this many ticks: %ld\n" t2 - t1);
that's the simplest way to get some actual quantitative results.


Re:Profiling Our Operating Systems

Post by tom1000000 »

The only proper way would be to write some user mode applications and run them. Preferably ensure your command line allows multiple programs to be executed at the same time.
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