How often do you actually use your trash can? Then why is it so freaking big? Just to show that you can drag 'n' drop things in a trashcan? Why should it be on your desktop? Isn't a little trashcan-thingy in your explorer (which can be accessed as a map) enough?Warrior wrote: Heres a concept GUI I drew in Photoshop at home
I see that a lot: screen-clutter. "See! We support this!" And to make sure you /see/ it, they make it /big/ and right on your desktop so you /always see/ it. It's nice to know that the feature is available, but get it out of my workspace!
It's like putting your trashcan on your (physical) desk right next to your computer just to show it to everybody that you got one. Everybody has one, so put it next or under your desk. It's not a show-off, it's a feature.
Then, I fully agree with the icons & animations. The few people who are still actually using internet explorer have about the best example possible of how it's /not/ supposed to work. You load a page, view a different page simontaniously in front of that page, and as soon as the page is loaded it jumps straight in your face demanding focus. For a second, you lost your concentration. You need another second to actually figure out what the h*ll just happened, and only after that you pick up where you where, or start reading that page.
Same with text scrolling. To slow: feels like the system is not responsive, to fast: you loose where you where looking in the text. I think a simple and usefull solution to this would be as soon as you start scrolling some thin bars (say: ten or so, depending on window size) are immediately drawn across whatever you where reading (this is probably a bad idea with pictures) which scroll along. That way, you can scroll really fast without loosing the point you where reading since you instantly see between what two bars you where reading (or under which bar) and as soon as you stop scrolling, you can pick up from there without searching for the correct line.
Well... atleast it sounds like a good feature, not sure if some old guru's start complaining about clipping problems or something... but it's worth to try or optional turn on/off.

More later, have to get back to work.