Well, honnestly i don't like the "start" menu either. On most PCs, it quickly becomes bloated with sharewares, useless 'readme' files you won't read and uninstallers that are redundant with the control pannel "add/remove programs" ...
Keeping "tools" quickly accessible is a must feature, though (personnally, i tend to have terminal bound to ALT+F5, editor to ALT+F6, etc and i have "tuxedo" buttons for less omnipotent things (webbrowser, filemanager, calculator/spreadsheet/gnumeric, ...)
In addition to "tools" you may have programs that are related to the 'current task'. E.g. if i'm doing Java development, i might like to have an XML editor quickly available, while i certainly don't care when doing "Mrs TypeRight" or "Andrea Maxframes" things...
If i had to put one thing in the bottom of the screen, that would rather look like emacs "minibar", with the ability of typing keywords for documents retrieval, typing words for google searches, etc. But you might already have guessed that from the look of