please write simple kernel for me
i have loader with these lines
Load : ; Navesti Load
Mov AX,CS ;
Mov DS,AX ; Update registru
Mov ES,AX ;
Reset : ; Navesti Reset
Mov AH,0 ; Cislo funkce
Mov AX,0 ; Ani nevim
Mov DL,0 ; Cislo disku 0 := A: , 1 := B:
Int 13h ; Preruseni - Sluzby I/O
Jc Reset ; Jestli se stala chyba - vse opakuj
Read :
Mov AX,1000h ; ES:BX = 1000:0000
Mov ES,AX ; Ani nevim
Mov BX,0 ; Ani nevim
Mov SI,Msg5 ; Do SI si dame promnenou Exit
Call Write ; Zavolame proceduru Write
Mov AH,2 ; Data z disku nacti do ES:BX
Mov AL,5 ; Nacti pet sektoru
Mov CH,0 ; Cylinder
Mov CL,2 ; 2 Sektory
Mov DH,0 ; Hlavicka
Mov DL,0 ; Cislo disku 0 := A: , 1 := B:
Int 13h ; Preruseni - Sluzby I/O
Jc Reset ; Jestli se stala chyba - vse opakuj
Jmp 1000h:0000 ; Skoc na 1000:0000
and i dont know why i build the --Hello world-- kernel
please write it for me
and write instruction for install it
thank you
please write simple kernel for me
Re:please write simple kernel for me
I consider this a (bad) joke. Closed.
(There is plenty of information on how to build a "hello world" kernel both in this forum and the FAQ.)
(There is plenty of information on how to build a "hello world" kernel both in this forum and the FAQ.)
Every good solution is obvious once you've found it.