Code: Select all
write(1, "\x1B[2J", strlen("\x1B[2J"));
80480a3: 83 ec 04 sub $0x4,%esp
80480a6: 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%esp
80480a9: 68 d7 8b 04 08 push $0x8048bd7
80480ae: e8 ad 04 00 00 call 8048560 <strlen>
80480b3: 83 c4 0c add $0xc,%esp
80480b6: 50 push %eax
80480b7: 68 d7 8b 04 08 push $0x8048bd7
80480bc: 6a 01 push $0x1
80480be: e8 08 02 00 00 call 80482cb <write>
80480c3: 83 c4 10 add $0x10,%esp
CPU tell me this intructions has made the fault:
Code: Select all
08048560 <strlen>:
8048560: 55 push %ebp
8048561: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
8048563: 8b 55 08 mov 0x8(%ebp),%edx
8048566: 89 d0 mov %edx,%eax
8048568: 80 3a 00 cmpb $0x0,(%edx)
804856b: 74 09 je 8048576 <strlen+0x16>
804856d: 8d 76 00 lea 0x0(%esi),%esi
8048570: 40 inc %eax
8048571: 80 38 00 cmpb $0x0,(%eax)
8048574: 75 fa jne 8048570 <strlen+0x10>
8048576: 29 d0 sub %edx,%eax
8048578: 5d pop %ebp
8048579: c3 ret
804857a: 8d b6 00 00 00 00 lea 0x0(%esi),%esi
I am sure there is something in my kernel has cased this. the application I written work on linux like a charm, that mean something on my kernel make damage.
for any HINTS I will be appreciated!
CODE start at 8048000
DATA start at 8049be0
error copy segment 8049be0 offset BE
Exception #14 (pagefault)
EDI=0 ESI=0 EBP=804aff4 ESP=d033dfe0
int=0E err=06 EIP=8048561 CVS=33
uSP=804afbc uSS=2B