Alright guys, I'm back. I've done alot since then and I have a boot loader which should load the second sector in a floppy and load it.
Alright so I make Kernel start at 0x1000 (it's in assembly still)
Alright to copy it to my floppy I try to following on part copy:
.\tools\partcopy .\boot\boot.bin 0 200 -f0
.\tools\partcopy .\kernel\kernel.bin 0 200 -f0 1
Since the boot loader is at the begining I dont need the one after it but shouldn't that but my kernel at the second sector?
So I'm minding my own buisness and I try to build and my batch file returns:
Failed to read source at offset 15
Well I try to load the bootloader to the first and second sector
like this
.\tools\partcopy .\boot\boot.bin 0 200 -f0
.\tools\partcopy .\boot\boot.bin 0 200 -f0 1
and..IT WORKS. -.-
Of course I expect my BIOS to object to having two bootloaders but my question is why isn't it loading my kernel.bin .
Copying Bootsector + Kernel to Floppy
Re:Copying Bootsector + Kernel to Floppy
My guess would be that your kernel.bin isn't actually 512 bytes long.
So that it reflects the actual length of your kernel.bin file..\tools\partcopy .\kernel\kernel.bin 0 200 -f0 1
Re:Copying Bootsector + Kernel to Floppy
So it should be:USAGE:
PARTCOPY source source_offset length destination {destination_offset}
.\tools\partcopy .\kernel\kernel.bin 0 kernel-size -f0 200