Does any one know where to get a set of 8x8 bitmap fonts from for the ASCII char set.
I have a set, but they are too thick, i need a set like those in MenuetOS, but are in a format were o = a pixel and
" " = move the pointer one pixel size, which seem like a waste of space, (as in bytes).
If not i will convert the above, just thought i would ask first.
Thanks in advance.
8x8 fonts
Re:8x8 fonts
Have you looked at svgalib? I believe it comes with one and there are a couple more posted on
Re:8x8 fonts
Another benefit is you don't have to worry about copyrights, as your OS wouldn't contain anyone else's font data.
Why not use the 8*8 fonts from the BIOS ROM chip? It'd consume no extra space that way...Dex4u wrote: Does any one know where to get a set of 8x8 bitmap fonts from for the ASCII char set.
I have a set, but they are too thick, i need a set like those in MenuetOS, but are in a format were o = a pixel and
" " = move the pointer one pixel size, which seem like a waste of space, (as in bytes).
If not i will convert the above, just thought i would ask first.
Code: Select all
mov bh,3 ;Get address for first half of BIOS 8x8 chars
mov ax,0x1130
int 0x10 ;es:bx = address of BIOS 8x8 characters (first half/128 chars)
For all things; perfection is, and will always remain, impossible to achieve in practice. However; by striving for perfection we create things that are as perfect as practically possible. Let the pursuit of perfection be our guide.
Re:8x8 fonts
Thanks for both your help, i will give the fonts on svgalib web site a go, as for BIOS fonts, i am using them in vesa 640 x 480 32bpp and they are the same as the one i have, which at that mode look fat and not right for the mode, where as i need thiner 8x8 like the one i used for my CdPod see here: ... 4&start=50
But i only have capital letters, so if i can find a set, it will save me having to make the none capitals etc.
Thanks again.
But i only have capital letters, so if i can find a set, it will save me having to make the none capitals etc.
Thanks again.
Re:8x8 fonts
Maybe the fonteditor "fedit" from this package:
can help you?
/ Christoffer
can help you?
/ Christoffer