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Post by samjkd »


what is the basic knowledge required to create an os. can anyone give me online books on basics of an os
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Post by Pype.Clicker »


Well, if i may suggest a trip on "BonaFide" and "QuickLinkz", it should give you bare knowledge. Keep in mind that *much* knowledge is actually required to progress, so better go to the closest library/bookstore and dig for books about the subject (usually, you'll find some nearby universities which will have courses on that ;)


Post by open_coder »

There is alot of stuff that you need to understand in order to develop an OS. You have to understand memory management, paging, threading of processes, IRQ, device drivers, etc. The best bet is to pick up a book at a bookstore. Most kernel development books use open source Unix code as examples. So I would famaliarize myself with Unix/Linux.

Also, this process takes alot of time. I have been working on the design for mine about 7 to 8 months. And I plan to work for another year before I code anything. Be prepared to design and redesign. And write little OSes that do absolutely nothing to help progress in your coding ability.



Post by Crazed123 »

Yeah, you probably need to read several books through, and maybe even take a course. I wouldn't really know because I've moved on to OS programming after several years of other things, and can just understand internet reference material. You could try that (the internet stuff), but you should at the very least be well acquainted (as in know it inside and out) with your chosen programming language.
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