problem at Linking! plz help me! [LD / DJGPP / 32BIT / binar

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problem at Linking! plz help me! [LD / DJGPP / 32BIT / binar

Post by CyOs »

help me plz!
i ve a problem at linking the files load.o and hello.o
I made a .bat file:

ld load.o hello.o -o kernel.bin -oformat binary -Ttext 0x100000

but wehen i run it comes following error message:
c:/djgpp/bin/ld.exe: cannot open binary: No such file or directory <ENOENT>

but the .o files are existing in the directory!!

RE:problem at Linking! plz help me! [LD / DJGPP / 32BIT / bi

Post by mercury »

Most likely, the current directory is being set to c:/djgpp/bin you'd have to make tell it what directory it's going to find the object files in. I think that would help.


@echo off
echo Linking object files
c:/djgpp/bin/ld.exe %1/load.o %1/hello.o -o %1/kernel.bin -oformat binary -Ttext 0x100000

then on the command line:
C:\>link.bat c:\myobjectdirectory

or something similar
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