framework to develop an OS??

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framework to develop an OS??

Post by dehbi »

I'am working on research project to develop a new OS.

My question is what is a different between OSKIT and OSLIB?

and is there any other framework to develop an OS rather than OSKIT and OSLIB?

tanks for your response.
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Re:framework to develop an OS??

Post by Brendan »

dehbi wrote: I'am working on research project to develop a new OS.

My question is what is a different between OSKIT and OSLIB?

and is there any other framework to develop an OS rather than OSKIT and OSLIB?
One of the main differences between OSLIB and OSKIT is their websites, for example:

Tell me more about this research project and I'll tell you why I wouldn't use either of them. Alternatively, ask your lecturer if I can have part of your degree if I do part of the homework (apologies in advance if I'm wrong)...


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Re:framework to develop an OS??

Post by dehbi »

Ok thanks a lot man,

I'am sory but my English is not good enouph!!

The project I worked in, it calls BRAIN (BASIC RESEARCH IN AUTONOMIC NETWORKING), the aim of our part is to think of a new OS on the LIVEBOX that could support the Auto-update

We want to have an autonomic system to update the OS livebox.

thanks, if I can have part of your degree.
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Re:framework to develop an OS??

Post by Pype.Clicker »

i'd say OSLib is more recent and get rids of the "COM hype" in OSKit ... I'd say i'd rather use oslib in a first try (OsKit is very complete, perhaps a bit *too* complete). OSLib seems closer to what a hobby OSDever might like while OSKit is closer to what some CS researcher that wishes to studies the impact of a new scheduling policy may want ...
BRAIN (Basic Research In Autonomic Networking)
my my ... "Autonomic" is kinda hype nowadays in networking research ... shouldn't the project be called "BRIAN" ?

Being a network researcher myself (, i was wondering if you have a "project page" telling what "BRAIN" is about ...

Re:framework to develop an OS??

Post by keeper »

interesting sofware u have pype.clicker. what inspired you to do such projects?

Re:framework to develop an OS??

Post by dehbi »

nothing brother, This project is made by FranceTelecom and I'm working for this coompany.

Re:framework to develop an OS??

Post by keeper »

the question was intended for pype.clicker :)
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Re:framework to develop an OS??

Post by Pype.Clicker »

well, when you're a researcher, the first thing you'll do is to search for what you'll search for.

i had a talk with the boss of my research unit in networking when signing the contract and we came to the agreement that i'll work on Active Networks ... I took monthes reading thesis, papers and the like about the existing technologies, looking for what could be interresting in the regionnal project that was "hiring" me ...

I picked up 'ANTS' because it looked both simple and smart to me ... Then i had to find a way to simulate the behaviour of large ANTS networks (the usual Network Simulator had little support for Active Networks), so i picked up a Java-based network simulator (SSFNet) and tried to integrate ANTS in it (which actually was a success).

Later on, partners were dropping SSFNet for J-Sim, so i had to understand that weird component-and-contracts based stuff, then refactor my code so that it now works in both environments.

The "RADAR" project actually popped up because i realized active nodes couldn't talk to each other in the simulator unless they were told where other nodes were. Since it already was a pain to sketch topologies of several tenths of nodes, i *didn't* want to give the "overlay" topology aswell and thus went for a way to build it automatically ...

Now, i'm no longer on the "regionnal project" so i slightly shifted my research program (no longer focussed on mobility) ... I'm about to submit a paper on my first research results in Atlanta, USA in may '05 so if you're interrested, watch for website changes by that time ...

(sorry, dehbi&keeper: i intentionnally not replied immediately to keeper since it wasn't the most appropriate place ;)
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