Strted out with replacing all Microsoft copyrigths with my own..

I am scared of linear algebra...and quadratic, and trinomial factoring...I didn't start young, relative to everyone else. I played my share of PC games through most of my teenage years but then around age 17 decided it would be fun to try and write games instead. I learned BASIC in summer school before my final high school year, then learned Pascal. I went to university and learned C, C++, x86 asm, Java, and a bunch of other languages there. Not long after starting out there, I decided that OSes were more interesting than games... or maybe I was just scared of linear algebra.
You have learned c#, php, js, ok... that seems possible. C, hard... c++ completely, quite much impossible unless you don't have anything else to do and skipped a full year of school. Do you also have the ability to debug it all and experience with most of the errors, plus experience with multiple compilers and what they do and do not accept? Have you read others c++ code and never had the idea that you might need to look something up or think about what they're doing there?A.P.W.B.D. wrote: In the past year, I have:
Learned C++ completely
Learned C (in the process of learning C++)
Learned Java Script
Learned C#
Learned PHP
I guess enough people on this forum can do thatA.P.W.B.D. wrote: It really is amazing, because I just write C++ like it is natural. I don't ever wonder how to do anything. I guess I am just good at learning new programming languages.
You don't have to write operating system in C/C++. If you want you can write it all in assembly. But you must know how to write in assembly to do OS developmentA.P.W.B.D. wrote: I wanted to write an operating system. So, I realised I needed to know C.