Code: Select all
mov [ebx + (isr0.1 - isr0 + 1)], eax
dd idt /* don't know what dd is in AT&T */
mul byte [ebp + 12]
mov [idt + ebx + 5], al
Code: Select all
mov [ebx + (isr0.1 - isr0 + 1)], eax
dd idt /* don't know what dd is in AT&T */
mul byte [ebp + 12]
mov [idt + ebx + 5], al
The dd is equal to .dword (if I'm not mistaking). the plus, minus and allt he others do as you expect in Intel syntax (add, substract etc.), so if you know how to write that in AT&T syntax you can do that. I don't for onePoseidon wrote: I'm quite a n00b at assemble code (especially at AT&T), could somebody translate these lines from Intel syntax to AT&T?
Thanks in advanceCode: Select all
mov [ebx + (isr0.1 - isr0 + 1)], eax dd idt /* don't know what dd is in AT&T */ mul byte [ebp + 12] mov [idt + ebx + 5], al
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mul byte [ebp + 12]
The problem with virtually all such "translation requests" is that those who know Intel syntax only ask for a translation to AT&T without explaining what their Intel syntax source actually does. :-[Poseidon wrote: .dword doesn't work.. is it possibly .long?
As I said above, you don't know how to express it in AT&T and I don't know (exactly) what it does in the first place... multiplying with the value located at the address in ebp plus 12? That would be...also, I'm still unable to translate this line:Code: Select all
mul byte [ebp + 12]
Code: Select all
mul 12(%ebx)
movl is "move long", which works on %eax and %ebx...And, why are %al and %bl allowed by mov but not by movl ???
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