Simple DOS OS In ASM

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Simple DOS OS In ASM

Post by Metallic-Red »

I was just wondering if anyone could link me or send me to an example of a simple operating system made in assembly, but is capable of processing a few simple commands like "ver" and "exit". Any help is appreciated. I have already made a small OS like this a long time ago but I have misplaced it and my docuentation that taught me most things I knew, so I'm just interested in seeing a working example again.
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Re:Simple DOS OS In ASM

Post by bubach »

wait a week or so, when my os comes out in ver 0.03.. i?ll just have to fix a couple of bugs first.. ;-)

it is has a commandline with a few simple commands like: ver, help, cls and reboot... in the meantime you could check out version 0.01 and 0.02 (without commandline) at the address in my signature.

/ Christoffer
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - GitHub

Re:Simple DOS OS In ASM

Post by Metallic-Red »

I look forward to seeing it. I worked all day long today and finally made a simple DOS style OS. Capable of "ver" and "exit" commands. I discovered I was using the wrong data types and that's why I could never get it working. I was useing DB instead of RESB for my command buffer. Oh well. I hate it when I answer my own questions. Keep me updated with your OS.
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Re:Simple DOS OS In ASM

Post by bubach »

opps, i didn?t notice that DOS part until now.
my os is 32-bit, and i assume that but DOS you want 16-bit code?
anyway, i?ll post in this thread the moment version 0.03 becomes available..
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - GitHub

Re:Simple DOS OS In ASM

Post by ASHLEY4 »

Hi, the best thing you can do, is get a program called "bootprog", this when loaded on the boot sector of a floppy, let you boot any exe/com file from a floppy.
this mean's you can make your os a com or exe file (with no dos int's as dos is not loaded, bios are ok) write it like any other program and put it on the floppy and reboot to test it.
Come's with full asm code.
If that links down you can get is here

Also on that site is this "OS Development for Dummies - OS Loader"
which is just the code you want, but some of the code is in C :-(.


Batteries not included, Some assembly required.
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