Schol-R-LEA wrote:
Solar, you don't make mistakes often, so I'm not going to begrudge you this...
I take this as high praise. *bows*
...but Windows BSTRs have nothing tp do with the B language (which was never used outside of Bell Labs, AFAIK), or even (more plausibly) BCPL...
Hm... I never encountered either in the wild, but the
O'Reilly Language Poster lists it as CPL -> BCPL -> B -> C. I know AmigaOS dos.library was BCPL (supplied my Metacomco in form of their "Tripos" DOS subsystem), and I was willing to grant Microsoft having used a later revision of that language family. Didn't know about B being an exclusive Bell Labs plant. Ah, well.
...rather, it stands for
Basic String, because it's the underlying string type used in Visual Basic. Right idea, wrong language.
The reason is simple. As I said, AmigaOS had some "alien" BCPL code interspersed in its mainly C/ASM-written code base, and "BSTR" was a typedef for "BCPL string" when talking to dos.library.
And I was lucky in never having to deal with Windows API, so my memories deceived me with "certain" knowledge.
PS: Now everyone should know why the successor of C++ won't be labelled "P", or even "D", but "L"...