Text mode - Higher resolution?

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Text mode - Higher resolution?

Post by IRBMe »

Just a quick question. I'm sitting in text mode with the standard 80x25 resolution and I'm just wondering if (and if so, how) I can increase this to something higher. I've searched around for a while, but can only find stuff on graphical mode. I would just like a resolution of 90x60 or perhaps something better, so that I can fit a bit more text on the screen. It's not hugely important, but any links or info would be good. Meanwhile, I'll continue searching and see if I can find anything that doesn't confuse me with graphical modes ;)

Thanks in advance.
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Re:Text mode - Higher resolution?

Post by Brendan »


You can change 80*25 into 80*50 by changing the size of the character font. There's a BIOS function for this:

Code: Select all

   mov ax,0x1112
   mov bl,0
   int 0x10
Also some video cards will handle higher resolution text modes via. VESA functions, e.g. 132*25 and 132*43.


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Re:Text mode - Higher resolution?

Post by Solar »

It's certainly possible, as Linux boot-up messages show. If GPL and Linux kernel sources don't scare you, you might want to have a look at whatever they do...
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Re:Text mode - Higher resolution?

Post by Pype.Clicker »

i suppose http://my.execpc.com/~geezer/software/90x60.asm is what you're looking for ...

Re:Text mode - Higher resolution?

Post by IRBMe »

Very interesting code snippet Pype.Clicker. Thanks. I'll just go try to understand this now I guess
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Re:Text mode - Higher resolution?

Post by Pype.Clicker »

print the pages from FreeVga (linked from the HardWareVga page of the FAQ) and see what value is placed where.

I assume that some of them are clock reprogramming for the CRT controller (like saying "there's twice as much rows") etc.
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