Heavily tuned makefiles, aliases for my tcsh (mk == make quiet, qcd returns at the root of the project, etc), and Perl scripts that rewrite code when needed (so that a single word can be used instead of 3 lines of #define)
Never heard of ... Seems like i'll have to crawl the Hitchiker guide to the galaxy againbeyond infinity wrote: @Pype: sure the great Zambendorf 's ben of help there, hm?
Which reminds me i have to phone my harddisk reseller to tell him the latest-purchased devices (MAXTOR 80Gb) seems to be one of the 'defect' serie ...For gods sake I'm used to the ritus of making copies of my working directory to cd. This weekend it happened to me, that the main hard disk of my main *big* computer (aragorn) experienced a very crucial damage and refused to work anymore. *damnit* Gonna buy a new one today.... and my development machine (the olden toshiba laptop I own) works still like a charm
I try to keep my anti-fundamentalism from becoming fundamental, because I hate fundamentalism.2slick4sly wrote: The Internet is such a strange place, you'll get all kinds of people, fundamentalist...
Cygwin is pretty good now. Installation/Uninstallation is a matter of choosing/deleting directories. AFAIK there's no registry settings any more.Colonel Kernel wrote: ... I guess what I'm asking is, is it better than it was 4 years ago, is it relatively safe to install, and is it easy to uninstall? ...
Editors are seriously a personal choice issue. I used PFE for years because it is what I was comfortable with. I did try out Dev-C++ a while back, and it felt fairly close to VC6. Dunno if that's what you're looking for though (http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html).Also, everyone seems to have their own pet editors.I don't want to start a "which editor is best" debate, but I am wondering -- for those who've used VC++.NET (or even VC6, which is pretty close), is there a free editor that comes close to behaving in the same manner?...
You should give Eclipse a spin. Check out the Eclipse C/C++ FAQ and read this blurb comparing it to VS.NET.Colonel Kernel wrote:Also, everyone seems to have their own pet editors.I don't want to start a "which editor is best" debate, but I am wondering -- for those who've used VC++.NET (or even VC6, which is pretty close), is there a free editor that comes close to behaving in the same manner?