Im wanting to use a floppy image in place of using the actual floppy drive since images are much
faster and wont kill my drive when testing my kernel with bochs.
I create the image:
$ dd if=/dev/fd1 of=floppy.img
mount it:
$ mount -t msdos floppy.img /media/floppyimage -o loop
everything goes fine, I can do a `ls /media/floppyimage`
and see the contents of the image. My problem is that I
must be root to delete, move, etc files in the mountpoint.
How can I mount a floppy image so that normal users can
write/read ?
Loopback devices
Re:Loopback devices
Try something like:
Replace 1000 with your actual UID and GID, and specify the correct paths, of course...
Code: Select all
sudo mount disk.img mnt/dir -t vfat -o loop,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=027
Re:Loopback devices
you could also add an entry to your /etc/fstab file:
/.../disk.img /.../mnt/dir vfat loop,user,noauto 0 0
this is what i do and it seems to work well
Remember that /etc/fstab requires absolute paths. This way you can just cd into the directory, type mount disk.img, and its mounted! i find it realy easy
/.../disk.img /.../mnt/dir vfat loop,user,noauto 0 0
this is what i do and it seems to work well