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Post by ManOfSteel »

I saw in a file about the RTC that some "registers" serve as alarm (for hours, minutes and seconds). As far as I understood, these alarms cause interrupts. What kind of interrupts are they and how can they be intercepted?
Thanks for any help.
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Post by Brendan »

ManOfSteel wrote: I saw in a file about the RTC that some "registers" serve as alarm (for hours, minutes and seconds). As far as I understood, these alarms cause interrupts. What kind of interrupts are they and how can they be intercepted?
The RTC chip can generate interrupts for any of these reasons:
Periodic Interrupt (like PIT)
Alarm Interrupt
Update Interrupt (when seconds change)

Whenever one of these interrupt sources are triggered the RTC generates an IRQ 0x08. The IRQ handler has to read from RTC REGISTER C to clear the IRQ/s, and act on any of them that have occured.


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