I've just been reading the Tanenbaum vs Torvalds debate (arguably the Greatest flamewar of all time, and it's interesting to see how the world has changed since then.
Tanenbaum reckoned that (now remember this was in the days of the 386) the superfast RISC chips would take over the x86 line, which must have seemed logical - hah!
It's interesting that Linux was designed as an efficient stopgap for things like the GNU OS to come out, well we're still waiting for that. It's kind of funny that something like this will, in later years, come to dominate the OS market, even becomming a rival to the mighty microsoft (I mean mighty as in size of user base).
Also there was one guy that said that:
I'll second that! ;Dif the Gnu OS follows the example of all other Gnu software, it will require a system with 128MB of memory and a 1GB disk to use
Well this is what I see when I look at most linux distrubutions. I say most, there are some nice an small ones (my NexGen machine runs one).
Also Tanenbaum also wondered how Torvalds was going to control the development of his system, and Torvalds said "I won't".
This is interesting as Torvalds seems to have definate control over the Linux kernel (or am I wrong?), although there are ports that I'm not sure he has any control of.
Saying that though, the rest of the GNU/Linux system is definatly fragmented, especaily arround packaging systems.
[sub]*edit:s/Tarvalds/Torvalds/g applied: 3 matches*[/sub]