This probably isn't a good idea simply because you'll be completely "locked out" of referencing any other similar filename that differs only by case. Also note that the prompt you suggest may not be a straight YES/NO dialog; if there's a handful of filenames differing only by case, you'll have to present a list to the user to choose from.Candy wrote:I believe the default interface should think in lines of nonclashing filenames, and if possible, ask each time whether the user means the other file which already exists. Most users click and do not type file names, so this will not add much overhead or headaches. An always-yes-on-this-question checkbox should also be there.
I'd say an overwhelming majority of users fit into the "don't care" category. Of those that may want it, I don't know anyone who actually purposefully differentiates filenames strictly by case on a regular basis (if at all!). If you want to support both, go ahead. However, I don't think there's enough of a benefit to justify it.Candy wrote:I also believe it should be possible to load case sensitive files on that same disk. It's just that the OS should not whine about it against people that don't care (linux does), and should support it for people that want it (Windows doesn't). You (multiple) seem unable to grasp such a combo. Why can't you support both?
On an HCI level, such a covert combination may actually be detrimental to the user interaction. Suppose a user is working on a document titled "Resume" and wants to save it. He accidentally hits "Save As" instead of "Save." Since he's too lazy to re-select the other command and his filename is short, he types "resume" into the filename box and clicks save. Next time around, he goes to edit his resume by clicking on the "Resume" icon in his document folder. He gets all bent out of shape since he doesn't see the changes made during his last editing session! He doesn't realize until several minutes later that the computer actually saved a _second_ copy of his work as "resume" with the changes.