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Hello, everybody!
My Boot Loader doesn't work. I copy it to my floppy disk and it doesn't boot when i execute it from vmware.
That's my booting.asm file:
Vladaz wrote:
Hello, everybody!
My Boot Loader doesn't work. I copy it to my floppy disk and it doesn't boot when i execute it from vmware.
That's my booting.asm file:
[BITS 16]
[ORG 0x7C00]
???mov ah, 0Eh
???mov al, 'A'
???mov bh, 04h
???mov bl, 0
???int 10h
???jmp hang
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 055AAh
Can somebody help me to fix this problem. Maybe i skiped something.
Maybe a stupid question.. do you copy it with rawrite.exe or dd (or cp) ?
And another solution, which I had when I wrote my first bootloader, the first rule you write to the screen doesn't appear so you should write to rule number 2 (or when you initialized int 10h correctly).
I think that's caused by the BIOS, unless someone proves me wrong!
And another thing, why should you boot it from VMWARE ? ::)
Could be true.
Although, some BIOSses don't check it and just execute it.
I think you should try either dw 0AA55h or db 55h,0AAh.
Or you should try my first answer.