1. have GRUB tools installed on your host system (this should come with /usr/sbin/grub and the stage1, stage2, etc. files ... )
I had my own stage1, etc. files from an archive named grub-0.92-i386-pc.tar.gz
2. create an empty file of 1.44MB with
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head --bytes=1474560 /dev/zero > grubfd.img
mkdir looppoint
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mke2fs grubfd.img
mount grubfd.img looppoint/ -o loop -t ext2
5. umount the looppoint
6. create a 'fake-device.map' file in which you will tell
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(fd0) /dev/loop3
8. once in the GRUB shell, issue the following commands:
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device (fd0) grubfd.img
root (fd0)
setup (fd0)
let me know if it works for you ...