I have used interrupt 0x13 to read the drive parameters table, but the return error code is 0x07 (i.e. drive parameter activity failed). What dose it mean, and why? I have verified my BIOS supports the interrupt 0x13 extension. Can anybody tell me?
Thank a lot.
compiler: nasm
mov ah, 41h ;checking interrupt 0x13 extension
mov dl, 80h
mov bx, 55AAh
int 13h
jc error_msg
mov ah, 48h
mov dl, 80h
mov si, buffer
int 13h
jc error_msg
Cannot get the drive parameter table!!
RE:Cannot get the drive parameter table!!
I had this problem too ... but I have an ideea ... someone could tell this is stoopied but I'll try
So ... try to reset first your drive ... If it works tell me please
xor ax, ax
int 0x13
So ... try to reset first your drive ... If it works tell me please
xor ax, ax
int 0x13
RE:Cannot get the drive parameter table!!
Sorry, I think it doesn't work, because I have tried this method. Every time, when I want to read the table, the hard disk will be reset, but it still fails. I have also tried to quit the current OS, re-boot the computer, and run the program. FAIL!
Could anybody tell me why?
Could anybody tell me why?