Some may know that it is possible for programs to access other program memory. I was thinking to make a program that enters Boch's RAM and writes data to it allowing easier DEBUGing of software.
Instead of writing IDT and the rest of the stuff to test some software I ported, I had the idea of doing this:
1) Access Boch's RAM
2) Put keyboard data at 0x400000
That way, all I do in the kernel is read the memory at 0x400000 and intrepret the input. This could also be helpful in making a floppy driver by loading files at 0x400000 without coding the actual driver.
I just need to know how many people think this may have a good use for debugging?
(First I need to figure how ArtMoney.exe works)
Boch's memory
Re:Boch's memory
It would work, but this way is a million times harder than it needs to be. Bochs is open source, so if you think you've got a useful addition to make to it, get into the source and add it there. If it does turn out to be useful, get in touch with the Bochs authors and get them to include it in the core product.
In any case, Bochs already has a couple of interfaces to debuggers: the built-in command line debugger, and a stub for remote debugging using gdb.
In any case, Bochs already has a couple of interfaces to debuggers: the built-in command line debugger, and a stub for remote debugging using gdb.